How to help kids cope with school closures

Back to school after coronavirus
6 tips you can trust
1. Set the stage
Give children age-appropriate information, so they know what’s happening and how it will affect them.
2. Stay on schedule
Keeping wake up time, bedtime and meal time consistent helps children maintain their daily rhythm and comforting routines.
3. Co-create plans
Give children a sense of control by involving them in daily decision-making, like choosing an activity or what they’d like for lunch.
4. Get moving
Counter inactivity by incorporating movement and physical exercise into your at-home time – designate outside or have a dance party in the living room!
5. Eat well
Spending a lot of time at home can lead to boredom and unhealthy eating habits, so pay attention to food quality and involve kids in healthy snack and meal preparation.
6. Prioritise learning
Did you know you are your child’s first and best teacher? Use school resources, books and educational websites and apps. Get creative by turning everyday moments into brain-building opportunities. Most importantly, have fun learning together!

Reaching out to friends
Being away from your friends is hard. To help your children feel connected to their friends write a message of solidarity and share with other kids. Your kids can leave their message however they like: a written or painted sign held by the young artist, speaking to camera, drawing on condensation on a window, via fridge magnets…the choice is yours (and the writer’s of course).

and... relax
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