Warning: this blog discusses the use of violence, abuse and rape against children.
“All wars, whether just or unjust, disastrous or victorious, are waged against the child.” – Eglantyne Jebb, our founder.
Our screens are full of the horrors of the war in Ukraine, but around the world more and more children are feeling the brutal effects of ongoing conflict.
All of us need to find the strength to stand with children: they’re more at risk in conflict now than at any time in the last 20 years.
Our latest Stop The War on Children report, published in 2020, sheds light on a worrying trend of increased brutality against children in conflict – especially in the last few years. The number of UN-verified cases of killing and maiming of children has increased by nearly 300% since 2010.
A staggering one in six children live in areas impacted by conflict – that’s about 426 million. And the number of children living near to the most intense conflict zones rose significantly between 2018-19 alone – from 4 million to 9 million.
And right now, the situation is critical. At least 15 children have already been killed in Ukraine; in Afghanistan, millions are cut off from life-saving services; in Yemen, almost seven years of war has left over 12 million children needing help - yet now, of all times, the UK government has cut its aid budget to Yemen by more than half.
Find out more in our most recent report on the war on children: ‘Killed and Maimed: A generation of violations against children’
Gareth Owen, our Humanitarian Director, breaks it down:
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