- Your full name
- Event location
- Date and time of event
- If the event is to take place virtually or in person
- Talk theme (for example a general introduction to Save the Children, or perhaps something more specific such as a talk on our current Emergency Appeals)
- Audience Type (Primary/Secondary School Children or an Adult Group)
- Estimated Audience Number
- Will this talk be part of/as a result of a fundraising activity? If so, please provide details
Request a Speaker
Request a speaker
When requesting a speaker, please contact us at least four weeks before the date of your required talk.
Once you have submitted your Speaker request, our Fundraising team will get back to you within 5 working days.
How we helped Patrick*

Patrick*, 10, from South Sudan lives in a refugee settlement in Northern Uganda. He, along with his friends, are part of a debating club at their school.
Save the Children organises debating competitions between schools to help raise awareness of children's rights. Some of the children also attend the Child Friendly Space in the afternoons.
"If I could have one thing in the world, I would have a full education."
*Name changed
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