Video: visit to a Delhi mobile health clinic
Every year, 2 million Indian children die before the age of five. In order to stop needless deaths and achieve the fourth Millennium Development Goal, we need, within reach of every vulnerable child, a health worker who is trained, equipped and supported to deal successfully with the principal threats to that child’s survival through the first five years of life.
There just aren’t enough health workers in India, and much more investment is needed. That’s why Save the Children India is campaigning for the Government of India to increase spending on health from 1% to 3% of national income.
Save the Children works at every level — starting with the grassroots. Our work on the ground directly saves kids lives, and also provides the evidence to advocate to governments to help even save even more kids.
While in Delhi recently seeing family, I was able to visit Save the Children’s mobile health clinic, and was very fortunate to be able to bring my wife and children with me. My wife is from India, and our children were born there, so it’s a country that holds a very special place in my heart. It’s always a joy to meet the amazing Save the Children India team and their partner organisations like the dynamic Child Survival India.
Here’s a short, personal, flip video of our visit. I hope you enjoy it.
Please take a look at to find out more about child survival issues in Asia and to join the campaign.
Thank you.
Follow Ben on Twitter: @atbenphillips
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