Kenya: The silent face of emergency
Just when I thought the devastating drought in East Africa was over, I am now staring at the silent face of the emergency.
The long-awaited rains have finally come.
It pours to cover the scorching sun, to cool the baking earth, to temporarily calm a distressed mother nature who has for the last three years unleashed her wrath on animals, plants and people.
Puddles have formed; the near-dead shrubs sprout to prove their resilience.
The greenery goes beyond and into the horizon – an endless, beautiful scene.
The beauty is just a facade
Behind the sea of green lies a host of diseases.
The pools of dirty water are incubating malaria-ridden mosquitoes, hiding in the shrubs by day and biting at night.
The dirty water seeps its way into the uncovered shallow wells leaving a trail of sick children.
How we’re helping
Thanks to your support, we’re on the ground, making sure children are getting the vital treatment they need in our clinics.
In the clinic I’m visiting, a new patient is getting connected to the oxygen mask and an extremely dehydrated little girl is having her veins checked for a cannula to restore lost fluids.
I hope it will revive her mother’s hope too.
Please donate to our East Africa appeal now.
With your support we can save more lives.
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