India: Getting ready for the trip
In October 2010, three longstanding volunteers for Save the Children – Sue, Anne and Marilyn – are visiting our programme work in India. They will visit our health, education and protection work across Delhi, Jaipur and Mumbia, sharing their thoughts on the work they see. Through their eyes we will see what its like volunteering for Save the Children, and how their experiences shape their involvement when they get back home.
Its finally here! Less than a week to go and we’re off! Well I’ve had every innoculation going, I’ve packed a large box of tissues, I’ve had my hair cut and I’ve watched Slumdog Millionaire, which I really wish I hadn’t. Still have to pack, of course, and have piles of stuff all over the house.
There’s the diarrhoea pile, well it’s bound to happen at some point, so there’s the loo roll, immodium and rehydration salts. There’s all the gifts, from finger puppets to tea towels, and a very small pile of clothes at the moment.
Not sure entirely on the clothes front as its supposed to be 35 degrees, ooh, hot! But maybe a bit wet as well, as its the tail end of the monsoon. But you have to cover up because of all the mosquitos, but try and keep cool at the same time.
Need to go through the lists I’ve written and start trying to get everything in a bag. With the 20kg weight limit I think it might be a bit of a squeeze. Trying to leave everything in order at home too. So busy sorting pantomime costumes, and writing up rehearsal notes. Thats “Dracula: a monster of a pantomime” by the way, more of that another time.
Must leave notes for the open Gardens meeting I shall miss whilst I’m away, and set work for school. I’m a part-time maths teacher, and although we’ll be travelling mostly over half term, need to set work for the week after as we won’t be back till the Tuesday. More lists!
Then there’s the house and family to sort. Oh well, I can tick off starting my blog. Will try and update before we go.
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