Sue James
Sue James
I’m a part-time maths teacher at the local community college. I joined the Save The Children club in 1980 and went on to join the Carterton and Witney branch, of which I am now the chair. We organise several fundraising events through the year, including the town fete, a race night and open gardens events. I help out at some of the sales. Recently we have also become more involved with the campaigns. I’m not currently involved with the speaking out team but am looking forward to getting involved with that on our return from our upcoming trip. I’m also part of a local group called the Acting Community Thingumybogs, an amateur dramatic group which raises money for Save the Children from their productions. I’m currently writing this years’ panto "Dracula". I’m happily married with 3 children. The youngest, Caitlin, is only 4 and just started school. Our eldest, Kayleigh, is at University and my son Chris has just finished his A levels. I'm very excited about our trip together.