Meet Harriet
"I say that I am a human being again"
"I thought I'd never go to school again because of the war"
When Harriet* fled bullets in South Sudan, her school uniform was one of the few things she grabbed.
"We were about to take our supper. Immediately we heard people running. We were like 'What is the problem?' Vehicles moved. Then we heard a gunshot."
Harriet walked for three days, before arriving in a vast refugee settlement in northern Uganda. "I thought I’d never go to school again because of the war."
But we helped Harriet put on her uniform again and catch up on her learning. "I started learning so many things. I started learning leadership skills, how to make reusable pads, reading, writing."
Harriet’s determination and creativity went into overdrive. Now, through song and drama, she’s fighting for every child’s right to education. "Most, I like to sing about education… girl child education…If girls were to rule, there will not be maybe some problems, conflicts."
Despite everything Harriet’s been through, she wants to make other people’s lives better. "I want to be a lawyer because I don't want to see my people suffering."
*Name changed to protect identity
We helped Harriet so she can reach her potential.
"The nation does not only benefit from boys"
Harriet believes strongly in gender equality and writes songs and plays which get her point across. Instead of marriage, she believes girls should continue their education and have big dreams for their futures.
One of her favourite songs to perform, dance and sing to goes like this:
Girl child education, girl child education,
Girl child education, can bring change in the world.
Our girls are driving, our girls get salaries,
Society benefits, our nation benefits, our country benefits.
I said remember in parliament, remember in parliament,
Can bring change in the world.
Their stories, their words
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