#eggindex: Help us discover the global impact of rising food prices
Help Save the Children discover the global impact of rising food prices for World Food Day by helping us compile our #eggindex.
All you have to do is tweet the price of an egg and where you live to @saveuknews
We know that rising food prices around the world, is making it harder and harder for parents to provide a nutritious diet for their children.
We want to find out exactly how expensive food is becoming, so that we can bring this fact to the world’s attention on World Food Day next Tuesday, 16 October.
But with the cost of food changing every day, it’s difficult to get accurate real time data
That’s where you come in.
We want your help in researching the rising cost of eggs worldwide – and we want to use social media to crowd source a real-time #eggindex.
Can you help us?
If the answer’s yes send @saveuknews a tweet telling us how much it costs you to buy an egg and where you live.
And make sure your followers/ friends across the world know what your up to, so they can help too.
Why eggs?
We’ve chosen to research the cost of eggs as they’re often the only source of protein for poor families which means that their rising price make a nutritious meal almost impossible for many families.
We’re concerned that millions of children will not get the vital nutrients they need to reach their full potential.
One of the reasons for the rising price of eggs is the scorching drought in the US which destroyed stocks of wheat and soya which in turn pushed up the cost of chicken feed and eggs.
Egg on now
So tell us what’s happening where you live by using #eggindex on Twitter.
If you can send us a picture of you buying an egg then even better.
You can tweet or instagram them using #eggindex or email them to media@savethechildren.org.uk .
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