European Parliament: debating health in development
A coalition of civil society groups calling for more EU support for vaccines in development cooperation – The EU Vaccines Advocacy Coalition (EUVAC) – has changed its name. It is now to be known as the European Immunisation and Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (EIVAC).
Not earth-shattering news I admit, but what is notable is that as a first action EIVAC is sending a letter to leaders of the European Parliament Development Committee. In the letter, EIVAC urges them to set aside some committee time to debate EU health support to developing countries.
Read the EIVAC letter to DEVE Chair
The letter calls on the development committee to build upon a written declaration the European Parliament adopted as a whole in May, by examining how best the EU can increase access in developing countries to quality healthcare in general, including preventative interventions such as vaccines.
But why has EUVAC become EIVAC before sending this important letter? The reason can be found in an obscure EU body coordinated by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control in Stockholm.
Apparently a committee they oversee comprised of representatives of Member State health bodies is called EUVAC-NET…
Let’s hope that the European Parliament can see past changing Euro acronyms and focus on what’s important – providing assistance to developing countries to ensure everyone currently denied healthcare is provided with access to quality health services.
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