The Voices of South Sudan’s Future
As South Sudan becomes independent on 9 July watch the children of the world’s newest nation express their hopes for the future of their country and themselves.
Save the Children supports children in groups, and as individuals, to express themselves. In the new South Sudan, children form the largest percentage of the society by population.
Youth participation is a meaningful way to include children’s voices in the development of this newest nation, 193rd in the world. The key is to empower children within their schools, homes and communities.
When I was talking with the students featured in this video, they expressed such appreciation at the opportunity to be heard – to be encouraged to speak their minds and talk about their hopes for the new country and their government.
I wasn’t surprised by how powerful and intelligent the messages were.
They and their new country still need the support of the international community if South Sudan is to overcome decades of war and underdevelopment. We’re on the ground working to secure the next generation’s future.
Find out more on what we’re doing
Read our report on the challenges facing newly independent South Sudan
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