Tell your MP it’s teatime for a fairer world
Here at Save the Children HQ and with our buddies in other UK development organisations we’ve been scheming. Scheming towards a moment when we will voice the UK’s support for a fair deal for poor children and hard working families the world over.
People in the UK hold the principle of fairness very dear indeed – it’s why we hold the door open for each other, it’s why we queue up and it’s why we offer others the last slice of cake. Fairness is at the core of what Save the Children and the other organisations involved want out of the UK’s international development policy for the next four years – and that’s what we’re going to tell our representatives.
We think that it’s only fair that we fulfil our 41 year old promise to families and children in poor countries to commit 0.7% of our spending to international aid. We think it’s fair to expect our support to contribute to another set of promises: the Millennium Development Goals.
We think multinational companies should pay a fair share of what they make in developing countries in tax to those countries’ governments to be spent on education, health and the infrastructure for business. We think the banks, who have caused such a ruckus at home and abroad, should pay their fair dues in order to make sure the poorest are protected from the worst of the economic climate now and in the future.

It has been great to hear frontbenchers across the coalition government speaking up for a fair foreign policy, including that long overdue 0.7%. We need to make sure that our representatives who hold the government to account – conservatives, liberal democrats, labour and the rest – know that in their constituencies votes are to be won through support for international development.
That’s why you are so important – by turning up to have tea and a fair development chat with your MP on 9 June we can make sure that British aid, British companies and British banks all contribute to a fairer world.
This event really can be critical to maintaining and building a fair deal for children in poor communities please sign up and come along on 9 June.
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