Wee Shots at Parliament
Children get a chance to voice their experience of child poverty today when several of the young people who helped create Wee Shots, five short films about child poverty in the UK, screen the films for Ministers and MPs in Portcullis House.
The one voice that hasn’t really been heard through all the debates, articles and comment pieces on child poverty in this country is the voice of the parents and children themselves. They have a unique perspective on what life is like when everyday is a struggle to make ends meet and you don’t have enough money to pay for the essentials, let alone any luxuries. But more importantly they can offer solutions, as they see firsthand where help is needed to make a real difference for the lives of children in poverty in the UK.
As more people experience what it’s like to have to tighten your belt due to the recession, I’m hoping that there will be less of the ‘blame game’ around poverty and more sympathy for families who are experiencing firsthand the obstacles that life can sometimes throw at you.
The films will be introduced by two young film makers from Bradford and will be asking the question whether we really are doing the best possible for children in poverty in this country? Let’s hope the answer is – we will do more.
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