We have been waiting for you…
First full day off since I arrived. We drove out of Harare to Domboshawa, an area of high granite rocks with (for me) challenging walks! As we left Harare we passed two billboards: one said ‘Smile: you are in Spar Country!’; the other said ‘Life is Sweet’. As we drove further from Harare, I was struck by how many people there were walking (or running) along the sides of the road, carrying children, bags, food, trying to get somewhere.
When we came down from the rocks, it was getting dark. As we walked down the path to the car, we could hear children singing: a small group of children were sitting by the path, ready to sell us guavas, lemons, mangoes, anything. ‘We have been waiting for you, we have been waiting for you’, they said.
Driving back to Harare, it was so dark on the roads and we had to manoeuvre around pot-holes and other cars who were trying to do the same thing. Again, so many people walking and running along the roadside but now so hard to see – another hazard of driving in the dark here.
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