Tuvalu takes on China…
Today kicked off with a frenetic attempt to propose last-minute revisions to the ‘adaptation’ part of the agreement text.
This is the part that looks at how to support countries that will suffer the effects of climate change. Or, in many cases, countries that are already suffering the effects of climate change.
We got our hands on the latest version of the negotiating text with about 45 minutes to spare before the talks resumed. So it was quick-fire drafting all-round as we cobbled together our top-line recommendations.
The agreement needs to focus on the most vulnerable people, including children, and to make sure that adaptation actions involve them. Funding needs to be predictable and sustainable; to make serious plans, there need to be serious commitments.
The rest of the day was coloured by the bust-up in the plenary session between Tuvalu (plus small-country allies) and many of the larger developing countries, including China, India and Saudi Arabia.
Tuvalu was pushing for a new protocol that could require some developing countries to make emission cuts. At the moment, under the existing Kyoto Protocol, only rich developed countries need to cut their emissions, an arrangement which suits many of the more rapidly developing nations very well.
With neither side coming to an agreement, the session had to be suspended. The protesters had a field day. ‘Tuvalu is the Real Deal’, they’re saying. Let’s see…
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