The real work starts now!
When I’m asked what I’ve been up to recently, all I can say is that I’ve met children and young people from Bangladesh, Mongolia, Wales, England, China, South Africa and Brazil, got free food off Tesco and Pret a Manger, talked with the Chief Executive and Board of Save the Children UK, been on free trips to Madame Tussauds and the London Eye, and, most importantly, listened to and learnt about the terrible poverty that is affecting children and young people in every country around the world. A pretty average week, then…!
It’s been 3 weeks since the Panel ended, but we are determined to make the Panel more than just a one week event every year. It’s now time to reflect upon everything we’ve been told, and to put together a detailed action plan in co-operation with these young people, in order to map the way forward and to make next year’s Panel meeting even better.
The real work starts NOW.
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