Supporting training for village health workers
Over 50 villagers, mainly women, have been brought in to the district hospital where they are being given an opportunity to talk about the situation in their community, to learn about how to prevent cholera and how to respond if someone does contract the illness.
The women, many of who had come from very remote areas with virtually no communication with the main centre, were having a whale of a time meeting up with old friends and swapping gossip. Many were also ecstatic to get a good breakfast and also a lunch of sadza and goat.
They threw themselves into the training with energy. The training involved methods which encouraged them to participate fully. They did role plays, mapped their community and used drawings to illustrate the health problems their community face.
The Save the Children Health Programme Officer commented after the training, how much these women care about their community and how much they really do know. The main purpose of the training was to give them the confidence to know that they can fight this outbreak and can protect themselves and their communities with basic hygiene practices as well as giving guidance about how and when refer cases.
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