I Made my Mark…
It’s been one week since the amazing Day of the African Child — but it seems to have flown by. I spent a manic couple of days pulling together an internal update on all the events that happened across the world — children in Sierra Leone marched in the streets and Made their Mark, the Liberian President pledged to work with leaders across the world to give every child the right to life, and children, politicians, celebs and world leaders all Made their Mark to help save 10 million lives.
I love that Make your Mark was inspired by ways of voting in countries like Rwanda. Being unable to write doesn’t mean you lose your voice, and last Tuesday children of all ages and nationalities joined together across the world to make their voices heard. And I proudly inked up my thumb and Made my Mark here in the office!
Events like Make your Mark remind me of why I work for an organisation like Save the Children. Sometimes you can feel far from the life-saving work we do, commuting for hours to be stuck in an office (albeit very brightly coloured!) all day, living off instant coffee and the occasional home-made cake. Then I see our staff and children across the world speaking out with the same message, shouting that we cannot allow the needless deaths of millions of children to continue. I know that I’ve helped that message get a little further, and suddenly the sweaty commute doesn’t seem much of a problem.
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