Hit Tennis Balls and Save Childrens’ Lives
Now that Easter has passed it feels to me like work for the Save the Children tennis tournament is really starting to hot up.
With the better weather having finally arrived (I think?) clubs and schools will be playing a lot more tennis and we need to make sure that a Save the Children tennis tournament is in as many of their schedules as possible.
I’ve been tapping away on my lap top for most of the day now, following up on leads people have given me, finding new leads myself on the internet, contacting folk who were good enough to organise events for us last year and generally blogging and tweeting about what we are doing. I’ve also got in the back of my mind the fact that I’m organising 2 large events at my own club, Amida Hampton, in May and that I have to start promoting those soon or I’ll be left with 10 empty courts and a lot of lemon barley water to drink!
I’ve also been following up with the LTA Tennis Development Officer for Berkshire / Oxfordshire who I met a couple of weeks ago. He was very positive about the event and I hope will be able to give us some assistance with raising awareness in those counties of what Save the Children is doing with the tennis.
In general, progress has been very good so far this year in London & South East. We already have lots of tournaments registered to take part and many new faces, which is particularly encouraging. It’s simply a case of the team keeping their heads down and keeping going. When I get tired or bored I just remind myself that more than 9 million children will die this year before they reach their 5th birthday. And that shocking statistic keeps me going.
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