A majority of Tanzanian children report experiencing violence and abuse without a clear point of contact for support. Our ‘one stop centre’ in Zanzibar is strengthening the child protection system, while our multi-stakeholder system raises awareness of all forms of child abuse and fights for abusers' convictions.
Our Child Rights Governance System is helping children to participate in the decisions that affect their lives while our Young Reporters Network helps them develop advocacy, journalisam and social media skills.
Our Kangaroo Mothercare Centre is saving infants’ lives, and with partners' help, we're enabling higher immunisation rates, more training for health professionals and improved maternity and neonatal services..
Meanwhile, our Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PANITA) has grown to include 306 civil society organisations across the country, spearheading a renewed effort in the fight against malnutrition.
Page updated October 2021