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Help save children like Jackson

It's vital that we act quickly to help children, like Jackson, who is suffering with severe Pneumonia.

Jackson, pictured above, is fighting for breath.

He arrived at Turkana County Referral Hospital, in Kenya, in a critical condition with severe pneumonia.

Childhood pneumonia kills more children than any other disease. In 2015, it killed nearly 1 million under-fives – that's more than diarrhoea, malaria and measles combined.

From the moment infection takes hold of a child’s body, the odds are stacked against them surviving.

Please help us to pay for vital supplies, like the antibiotics needed to help save the life of a child with pneumonia. Join us in the fight for breath and donate today.*


We're on the ground saving children

But we need your help to do more.
Save the Children Emergency Health Officer, Jedidah Onyango, urgently fits an oxygen mask on Jackson, three years and six months, to assist with his breathing.

Save the Children Emergency Health Officer, Jedidah Onyango, urgently fits an oxygen mask on Jackson, three years and six months, to assist with his breathing.

Save the Children staff members, including Emergency Health Officer, Jedidah Onyango, are on the ground right now saving children's lives. 

Without her, and people like her, children like Jackson wouldn't survive. It's thanks to your donations that we're able to offer such effective healthcare to children who need our help.

We're also working closely with communities, including Community Health Volunteers who are involved in spotting the signs of pneumonia early on, before the disease has a chance to tighten its grip. Please help us beat this killer. Donate now.*


*All donations to this appeal will be used to help vulnerable children wherever the need is greatest.