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WALES: It’s ‘full steam ahead’ for fundraiser in aid of Save the Children

*Datganiad dwyieithog / Bilingual press release - please scroll down for Welsh language*

CARDIFF, 17 May, 2024: Save the Children branches across Wales have come up with an engine-ious  fundraising idea and are hoping that families, train enthusiasts and supporters will hop on board for a good cause.

Three pairs of ‘golden tickets’ kindly donated by Great Little Trains of Wales and worth nearly £400 a pair are available to be won in a prize draw. Each ticket will allow the winners to enjoy up to eleven picturesque trips at their leisure on selected Great Little Trains of Wales lines over the period of a year.

Parents, children and train enthusiasts will be able to experience the excitement of steam travel through some of the world’s most stunning scenery including the highlands of Eryri, Bannau Brycheiniog, Vale of Rheidiol, the coastal route of Fairbourne and along the lakes of Bala and Llanberis.

Entry for the prize draw can be made through a donation to the Just Giving Page, www.justgiving.com/page/emma-berry-1712827993575.

All donations will go towards the Save the Children’s Emergency Fund which allows the charity to respond immediately when a disaster strikes and to ongoing crises around the world including in Gaza, Ukraine and in East Africa where children are starving after the worst drought for forty years, immediately followed by extreme floods.

In Wales, one in three children are growing up in poverty with many families struggling to afford basics such as food, clothes and to pay their bills.

This ‘first-class’ fundraising idea came from longstanding supporter and Chair of Save the Children Ynys Môn branch, Alison Wood who is co-organising the fundraiser with Great Little Trains of Wales. She said: “In today’s world children face the threats of war, famine, poverty and climate change. And here in Wales we know that not all children are able to have fun days out due to the stresses families face because of the rising costs of living.”

Jo Quinney, Marketing Manager for Great Little Trains of Wales added: “When I chatted to the Chairs of the Wales branches of Save the Children, we decided to challenge ourselves to offer a uniquely Welsh prize for a UK wide campaign. We hope that the enticement of winning a pair of ‘golden tickets’ will encourage many to enter the prize draw and provide a golden opportunity to help children around the world.”

Fidelma Meehan, Save the Children UK’s Community Fundraising and Engagement Manager concluded: “We are incredibly grateful to our amazing Welsh branch volunteers for taking this exciting initiative to raise funds for Save the Children. Their determination and commitment to raising funds for children who need our support the most, means we can carry out life changing work for children across the globe. And massive thanks to Great Little Trains of Wales as this fundraiser wouldn’t have been possible without their fantastic support.”

To enter by making a donation to the Save the Children Emergency Fund – www.justgiving.com/page/emma-berry-1712827993575

If you’d prefer to enter the prize draw without making a donation, please email your name and contact details to f.meehan@savethechildren.org.uk and we will make sure that you are in with a chance to win.

 The winners will be drawn on 30th June 2024.


For further information please contact Eurgain Haf, Senior Media Manager Wales on e.haf@savethechildren.org.uk  



CAERDYDD, 17 Mai, 2024: Mae aelodau canghennau Achub y Plant Cymru yn codi stêm gogyfer eu hymgyrch codi arian diweddaraf sy’n cynnig cyfle euraidd i deuluoedd, rhai sy'n ymddiddori mewn trenau a chefnogwyr yr elusen i fwynhau rhai o olygfeydd godidocaf Cymru.

Mae tri phâr o ‘docynnau aur’ yn rhodd gan Trenau Bach Arbennig Cymru ac sy’n werth bron i £400 y pâr ar gael i’w hennill. Bydd pob tocyn yn caniatáu i’r enillwyr fwynhau hyd at unarddeg o deithiau yn eu hamser hamdden dros gyfnod o flwyddyn.

Bydd rhieni, plant a’r rhai sy’n frwd dros drenau yn gallu profi cyffro teithio ar drên stêm heibio rhai o olygfeydd mwyaf trawiadol y byd gan gynnwys ucheldiroedd Eryri, Bannau Brycheiniog, Dyffryn Rheidiol, llwybr arfordirol Fairbourne ac ar hyd llynnoedd y Bala a Llanberis.

Gellir gwneud cais drwy rodd i’r dudalen Just Giving www.justgiving.com/page/emma-berry-1712827993575.

Bydd yr arian yn mynd tuag at Gronfa Argyfwng Achub y Plant sy’n galluogi’r elusen i ymateb yn syth pan fo trychineb yn digwydd ac i argyfyngau ar draws y byd gan gynnwys yn Gaza, Wcráin ac yn Nwyrain Affrica lle mae plant yn newynnu ar ôl y sychder gwaethaf ers deugain mlynedd a ddilynwyd gan lifogydd eithafol.

Yng Nghymru, mae un o bob tri phlentyn yn cael eu magu mewn tlodi gyda llawer o deuluoedd yn cael trafferth fforddio pethau sylfaenol fel bwyd, dillad ac i dalu eu biliau.

Daeth y syniad gan un o wirfoddolwyr selog a Chadeirydd Cangen Ynys Môn Achub y Plant, Alison Wood sy’n cyd-drefnu’r digwyddiad gyda Trenau Bach Arbennig Cymru. Meddai: “Yn y byd sydd ohoni mae plant yn wynebu bygythiadau gan ryfel, newyn, tlodi a newid hinsawdd. Ac yma yng Nghymru rydym yn gwybod nad yw pob plentyn yn gallu cael diwrnodau allan llawn hwyl oherwydd y straen y mae teuluoedd yn ei wynebu oherwydd costau byw cynyddol.”

Ychwanegodd Jo Quinney, Rheolwr Marchnata Trenau Bach Arbennig Cymru: “Pan wnes i sgwrsio â Chadeiryddion erailll canghennau Achub y Plant, fe benderfynon ni herio ein hunain i gynnig gwobr unigryw Gymreig ar gyfer ymgyrch ledled y DU. Gobeithiwn y bydd yr atyniad o ennill pâr o ‘docynnau aur’ yn annog llawer i gymryd rhan a thrwy hynny helpu plant ledled y byd.”

Meddai Fidelma Meehan, Rheolwr Codi Arian ac Ymgysylltu Cymunedol Achub y Plant: “Rydym yn hynod ddiolchgar i’n gwirfoddolwyr anhygoel am drefnu y fenter gyffrous hon i godi arian ar gyfer Achub y Plant. Mae eu penderfyniad a'u hymrwymiad i godi arian ar gyfer y plant sydd angen ein cefnogaeth fwyaf yn golygu y gallwn gyflawni gwaith sy'n newid bywydau plant ledled y byd. A diolch enfawr i Drenau Bach Gwych Cymru gan na fyddai’r fenter wedi bod yn bosibl heb eu cefnogaeth.

I wneud cais drwy roi cyfraniad tuag at Gronfa Argyfwng Achub y Plant – www.justgiving.com/page/emma-berry-1712827993575.

Os byddai’n well gennych gymryd rhan heb wneud cyfraniad, e-bostiwch eich enw a’ch manylion cyswllt at f.meehan@savethechildren.org.uk a byddwn yn sicrhau bod gennych gyfle i ennill.

Cyhoeddir yr enillwyr ar 30 Mehefin 2024.


Am fwy o wybodaeth neu i drefnu cyfweliadau cysylltwch gydag Eurgain Haf, Uwch reolwr y Cyfryngau, Achub y Plant Cymru ar e.haf@savethechildren.org.uk