Make a gift in your Will to Save the Children – and leave a legacy of lasting change. Request your free Gifts in Wills guide today to find out more.
Your will can fight climate change
Free Gifts in Wills guide
We’ve made it our mission to help children – especially those at risk of being left behind – get a healthy start, be safe from harm, and have the chance to learn.
But we cannot do this alone. Every year legacies from gifts in Wills generate millions of pounds, helping us invest in ground-breaking programmes, helping children and communities in the UK and around the world.
Find out how to write or update your Will, get information on our free Wills service, and learn how your gift can transform children's lives around the world. in our free Gifts in Wills guide - available by email or via post.
Fighting back against climate change
The Solomon Islands, where Junior lives, is one of the most vulnerable places in the world to climate change. Rising sea levels and storms are flattening homes and killing crops that families rely on.
“The weather has changed,” says Junior.
“The rain can last for up to a week. Winds can get very violent. I feel sick because I have nothing to eat. The rising sea has damaged our food. I feel angry and sad.”
Save the Children has helped older kids like Junior learn what crops will keep growing in extreme weather, and farming techniques to make sure they have healthy food all year round.
“I felt happy today during the training,” he says.
“We planted taro, sweet potato, cabbage and beans. For us children it’s important we eat healthy, nutritious food so we don’t get sick all the time.”
We’re providing seeds, training and farming equipment, helping Junior and his community fight the impact of climate change and believe in the future. And our work in the Solomon Islands is just one example of the many projects we are leading around the world to support families facing the challenges of climate change.
Because Children Matter
For Children. Forever
We’re determined to make lasting change, with children and for children.
But we can't do it alone.
Extending your compassion far beyond your own lifetime with a gift in your Will will help us to invest in the long term - building ground-breaking programmes to help children in the UK and around the world get a healthy start in life, grow up safe from harm and have the chance to learn.
Thank you for considering this life-changing decision, to leave a legacy of lasting change.
We're here to help
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