We’ll be in touch with you about your celebration using the email contact details you’ve provided to support you with your fundraising.
After your event, we'd like to contact you in the future with vital fundraising appeals and information about campaigns, events, how you can help reach the next child and how your support saves lives. Please let us know that you are happy to be contacted in this way:
We're committed to protecting your personal information. For more about how we collect, use and look after your details, please read our full privacy policy at www.savethechildren.org.uk/privacy
Want to change how you hear from us?
If you'd like to talk to us about our work reaching every child, or simply need to start, stop or change how you hear from us, please call our Supporter Care team on 0207 012 6400 or email supportercare@savethechildren.org.uk. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.