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Do you believe in a better, fairer world for children?

We know creating a fair world for children is a big ambition. Giving a smaller amount monthly allows us to make a longer lasting difference for children than a larger, one-off donation. 

 How will a regular donation help create a fairer world for children?

When you give monthly it enables us to plan for long term solutions and invest in bigger projects to help children grow and develop.  We call regular givers ‘investors’ in the Fairness Fund because that’s exactly what you’re doing – investing in the future lives of children all over the world. Making a regular donation also means you will remain close to the work we do and your unique impact. Our Fairness fund investors receive more targeted communications and therefore have a clearer idea of our long term work and strategy and the invaluable part they play.

The Fairness Fund is for those who believe that we can chip away at the injustices and unfairness facing children. 
We know what it takes. We just need people like you to believe change is possible.

the fairness fund

How does it work?

Harriet*,14, at school, Bidi Bidi Refugee settlement, Northern Uganda

“When a girl child is given a chance, she can do what a boy child can do,” says 14-year-old Harriet


Our investors get to see first hand how a fair world for children is possible - by learning about the work we're doing with the fund and the progress being made for kids.

We'll be taking our regular donors with us on this journey, so you'll feel truly connected to the projects and children who are part of the change.

You'll receive concise, quarterly reports, exclusive, sneak-peek content covering bespoke program work, new innovations and latest partnerships, and unexpected moments of celebration as we hit our milestones for children.

What does change look like? 

Month to month you'll be championing small and mighty programmes, like tackling malnutrition in Malawi by supporting mums to grow their own food all year round.

But your investment also puts power behind the push for big systemic change, joining forces with other charities and having conversations with governments for solutions that benefit us all.

Whatever we're doing with the fund, you'll be hearing about it. 

Discover how we're helping girls like Tenneh stay in school and change the future for themselves and their communities. 

Tenneh, from Sierra Leone, shares her dreams of becoming a nurse and writes on a chalkboard at school

Together we can build a fairer world for every child

Invest in the Fairness Fund and be part of making a difference that lasts a lifetime.

Building a positive, peaceful future for kids 

Tina*, 17, and Maisie*, 15, welding students at Save the Children’s activity centre for children affected by conflict in South Sudan

Growing up during the North/South Sudan war, these two friends have seen some terrible things – houses set on fire and people killed.

As female welders, they have become role models in the community and they hope more young people will follow in their footsteps.

The activity centre for children affected by the conflict in South Sudan and what happens there every day is a beacon of hope in this community.

The positivity and vibrancy of this young generation is building a new future for South Sudan, one bit of furniture at a time.

Make your contribution go even further

For our big dreams to work, we need as many people as possible to join us. Will you share your investment with others?

Spread the word